Here are some interesting facts about Sparrows - The Sparrow is one of the most common birds but one of the best fliers. Usually Sparrows are small and plump, brown-grey birds that have short tails and stubby, but powerful beak. They vary in sizes from 11.4 Centimeters (4.5 in) and 13.4 Grams (0.47 oz) to 18 Centimeters (7.1 in) and 42 Grams (1.5 oz). The heart can beat up to seven hundred and sixty beats per minute. Sparrows are similar to other seed-eating birds (finches, etc.) but one thing that a Sparrow has that the others don't is an extra bone in the tongue. This bone helps to stiffen the tongue when holding seeds.
Excellent Fliers :
Although the Sparrow is one of the most common birds there are few other birds that are as good at flying! Sparrows can fly through bushes, trees, sticks, etc. and not hit anything at all! Amazing! Part of the reason they can do this is that that can adjust feathers on their wings individually. They can adjust different feathers to different degrees.
Brooding Spot :
Little downy feathers come off (which they sometimes use to line the nest) and that leaves bare skin. The blood vessels in that area multiply five to seven times their normal amount. That area is then touching the eggs and communication takes place between the egg, the brooding spot, and the brain of the bird. Then the mother sparrow knows whether the eggs are too hot, too cold, etc.

Evolution teaches that the feathers on a bird came from scales since birds came from reptiles. IF birds did come from reptiles their bones should be like the bones of a reptile. Right?!? Guess what... they aren't! Bird's bones have air pockets in their bones. They can carry air in their bones (like lungs). A bird's bones are built for flying!
If the sparrow just evolved over time - let's say they didn't have a brooding spot yet. That means that the mother Sparrow would not be able to know when the temperature of the eggs was not what it should be, etc. The eggs would just die! God created the Sparrow just the way it needed to be and everything that it would need to keep working correctly.
We mentioned above that they are incredible fliers. When you look at a plane does it look like it just evolved? No, it had to have a designer that knew what they were doing, what was needed for the plane to work correctly, and safely. It is very obvious that all the birds/animals/creatures were carefully designed (by God) and just the way they need to be.

Yes, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may
lay her young, even thine altars, O LORD of hosts, my King and my God
Ps. 84 : 3